Sunday, September 18, 2016


Hello World,
My name is Mercedes Jones and this is officially my first blog. When I was a junior in high school back in 2012, I underwent the dreaded "Big Chop" but I actually loved it. I wore a short Afro for a while and when I was a senior, I decided to dye the ends of my hair myself. I loved the freedom of being able to wake up, roll out of bed, and get my day started without having to stress about my hair. Those were the good days. After I graduated in 2013 and went off to college, I started to have problems again. My hair was getting longer and the dyes that I was subjecting my ends to were actually causing my hair to become drier and drier. I then began my journey of trying to find the best hair care products out there that would rectify my situation and surprisingly I came across some fabulous products. I went through a lot of bad ones first before I discovered my holy grail but it was a leaning experience. After wearing my Afro for a year, I decided to loc up my hair. It was a very long process. I cried many nights and laughed many days but through it all, I accepted my hair for what it was and I embraced my natural. I have had locs now for two and a half years and they are growing like weeds. I maintain them myself and I am constantly on the look out for the best new wonder products on the market. My wish for all you viewers is that you will be able to browse my blog, pick up new and interesting tips on natural hair care products, and become natural hair and loc savvy also. I have a feeling that this will be the start of one heck of an adventure. Thank you all for giving me a chance and hopefully I can help turn our natural hair woes into natural hair miracles.


  1. Mercedes,
    I have naturally curly hair that I have issues with because of dying the ends as well. I love blonde highlights but my hair hates them. I have gone through so many products over the years trying to find things that work well with my hair. When it seems that I have found a great product it inevitably failed after using it for a while. I would love to read what you have found that has worked for you so far! My sister also has naturally curly hair, so we would both benefit from your blog posts.

    1. I am happy that you commented on my post and please believe me when I tell you that I understand completely. I have also used a log of products trying to obtain the perfect level of moisture for my hair. It gets even trickier when you add in dyes. They are really great and all but sometimes the harsh chemicals can further dry out your hair. I go to my local hair store and I do hot oil treatments. It is basically a tube of oil that you heat up by placing it in a cup of hot water and then you open the applicator tip and apply the oil to your scalp and hair. Another product that I discovered that really works well that you can apply to your hair daily is called Olive Miracle by African Pride. It helps to stop breakage, split-ends, and alleviates dryness. You can get a 6 oz jar from just about any hair store for $5 to $6 bucks (depending on where you go). lol. Hopefully that helps you and your sister and good luck. Let me know how it turns out (:

  2. I have always wanted to try the hot oil treatments! And I will defiantly try to Olive Miracle, super cheap for hair care product, so it is defiantly worth a try. I will let you know how it goes :)
